” Diego meeting new people”

Over a six day trial Diego recorded how many different places he went and how many people he met along the way.  On day one diego didn’t go anywhere but successfully met 1 person.(phone) On day two diego went to only 1 different location but met 0 people. On day three diego went to 2 different locations and met 8 people. On day four he went to 3 different places but unsuccessfully met 0 people. On day five Diego went to 4 different locations and met only 1 person. Finally on day six Diego went to 5 different places but only met 1 person. So over that 6 day trial diego went different places and met 11 new people.

               People  (0,1) (1,0) (2,8) (3,0) (4,1) (5,1)


My Mathography
About me:  My name is Lilianna Neideffer but most people know me as Lily. I’m a junior at Rodriguez high school. Some of my hobbies are soccer and art. I really enjoy both and find that I am pretty good at them. I live with my mother and father and have a little sister who is in the 6th grade. I have a few goals in life short term and long term. One of my short term goals is graduating high school and getting a car by next year. One of my long term goals is attending community college and enrolling in law enforcement. I hope one day to become a CPS officer.
Me as a student:  Unfortunately these last few years I have slacked off. Unaware of the importance of school I treated my school work nonchalantly. That has got to be my biggest mistake. I’ve slacked off majorly but I hope to turn it around this year. I should’ve done this earlier but better late than never.  I hope to achieve good grades in my classes and make my parents proud.
Me as a math student:  I’ve always struggled with math. Some people are naturally good at math. I unfortunately, am not one of them. I never really enjoyed math.  I struggled with algebra for 3 years but finally with hard work and dedication passed. Overall I struggle with math, I have to really focus and ask many questions but once I get an example I grasp it.  I learned that when it comes to math I really need to see a few examples and explanations.
Me as a student in this class: i plan to try my hardest this year. i want to atleast have a B or above. in order to earn that i have to do all my homework and ask questions when i don’t understand something. i really hope to achieve this grade. this is my first year doing something other than just algerbra and hope to do good.